How to use filters
Filters are used for cleaning and retouching photos, applying special artistic effects that make the image look like a sketch or an impressionist painting, and specific transformations using distortion and lighting effects.
This is really very useful stuff.
In this article, you'll learn how to apply filters correctly to make your images look stunning.
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Set the right white balance
Depending on the software you use to process your photo, you may be able to use presets for white balance. However, it is still highly recommended that you set the white balance manually with the right color temperature and tint. This is so that you can recreate genuine feelings and emotions in the viewer - as if they were seeing it in real life, not on a monitor.
Control the level of saturation
Our eye is attracted to what's bright and luminous. To make a photo stand out, try increasing the saturation. You can pull up all the colors at once or just a certain channel (red, blue or green). The lower the percentage of saturation, the closer the image is to black and white tones. It is this parameter that is one of the most important characteristics of an image because it greatly affects the mood of the image. You can always highlight certain parts or colors and that will draw extra attention. But it is very easy to go overboard with this point, so be careful.
Watch the graphs carefully (when working in Lightroom)
Be sure to check the histogram when adjusting exposure, color and contrast in your chosen RAW editing software. If the graph is shifted to the right edge and looks cropped rather than gradually tapered, it means that parts of the image will be completely white. The important thing is to make sure that the exposure of the subject remains correct.
Don't get carried away with excessive image processing
Probably the most obvious tip on this list. At the beginning of their creative path, many people want to try all the techniques, available filters and settings. But it makes the result look unnatural. Where are the limits of acceptable processing? It all depends on the taste of each viewer and photographer. But one thing is certain: blatantly artificial photos rarely cause a positive reaction. Retouching that is not conspicuous is good. When you process a photo try to make a little less correction than you would like.
What not to do when editing a photo?
We have found out how to use filters to improve your photos. So now we have to answer the question about what not to do when processing images.
Never do the following:
- Don't imitate other designers. Every picture you take (if you work with content you make yourself, not downloaded from the Internet) is unique, and imitation is not a good idea. Work on your style, look at the photo or image itself, trust your feelings, and don't be afraid to experiment.
- Don't try to improve bad pictures. You have to work with good quality material to be happy with the result of processing. It happens that the customer provides the material, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. It is better to refuse such cooperation. You can't make a flawless photo of poor quality anyway, so save your nerves.
- When editing always make sure that the original idea has not been changed. Too much processing will destroy all the photographer's work. It's better to edit a little less than you should, as it will give an impression of naturalness.
If you want to make your video clip or film unique, you can find many ready-made solutions on our website that will help in editing your video product. For example, these are useful projects for After Effects, templates for Premier Pro and Davinci Resolve. You can also download hundreds of ready-made themed video footage and motion graphics templates.
Read more:
- Basic rules for good filming - link
- How to create a good storyline for your movie - click here
- The role of cinematography in the life of modern man - source