What important to know about Blender Modifiers

Various modifiers are available for use in the Blender tool. Let's look at them in more detail so that you know the basic knowledge and be able to apply it in your work.
Modifiers are non-destructive modeling parameters. In the “Property Editor” window, go to the “modifier properties” tab and delve into the menu.
How to Use Blender Modifiers
Adding an object to work with. Select it by clicking the cursor, go to the “Modifier Properties” menu - “Add” - select the desired type of modifier in the window.
Let's say you selected Array. The right choice for beginners. It is added to the object. We see the changes in the preview window. The object took on an elongated shape. Array creates a copy of the original object, wrapped in a string.
When you enter editing mode using the Tab key, you can see that only the selected object is available for editing. And all parameters will be automatically transferred to the second object - after all, it is a copy of the original object. The copy is subject to all changes that are applied to the source. This is the essence of non-destructive modeling.
The working window contains a history of all actions and when you delete any completed step, the result will also be deleted from both objects.
The most popular Blender modifiers
- Edit": Modifiers for this group are situational. They are designed to work with UV maps, weights and other specific things.
- “Multiple”: gives you opportunity to create a line (array) or curve from copies of the original object.
- Bevel: process adding a non-destructive bevel to the edges of an object to smooth out and add detail.
- “Boolean value”. A powerful modifier that allows you to add holes to objects using the geometry of other objects.
- “Destroy.” The function of simplifying selected objects, you can collapse their edges and edges. Handy for removing unnecessary geometry
- "Mirror". The process of reflecting an object onto another plane.
- “Strengthen.” Adding depth and thickness to object geometry
- “Subdivision surface.” Function of adding various geometric changes and details to an object
- “Bending”. Allows you to deform objects along a created curve
- "Hook". Deformation of an object attached to another object. Often used with Empty.
- “Lattice”. Applies when loading a Lattice object. the modifier deforms the original object to match it
- “Simple deformation.” Function of rotating, bending, stretching the entire object.
- “Smooth.” The edges are smoothed without creating new geometry.
- "Wave". Converts the shape of an object to a wave-like shape
- The Physics column allows you to assign physical properties to objects. Let's say we create a sphere from wood and place it on a plane with a collision. When they collide, the sphere will fall down.
Modifiers are powerful tools that save our time. They are extremely convenient and suitable for creating the most complex projects - for example, a conical hole in a cylinder. It already sounds complicated, but the process is even more complicated. But the Boolean modifier allows you to do this in a few clicks of the mouse button.
If just read this short instruction – you may feel confused. Don`t lose your chance to develop skills – download and experiment with all functions.
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- Addons for Blender - link
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- Assets for DAZ Studio and Poser - link
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- Content for Game Development - link
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