Why do I need video editing?

Each film and commercial undergoes serious preparation and processing before its release on the big screens or the Internet. Music and special effects are superimposed on the video, the best shots are selected, and, if necessary, some of the material is re-shot. Video quality and visual image are created by a video editor using professional software. Video editing is a very time-consuming process which requires a lot of patience and concentration.
In this article you will learn what it's all about and what are the pitfalls of this activity.
By the way, you can also find other articles about video creation or video editing on our site.
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How does video editing work?
One of the most modern and justifiable editing systems is non-linear editing. Non-linear editing systems support hundreds of different effects and transitions. The only transitions used in movies, with few exceptions, are simple cropping and blending. All other transitions only distract the viewer.
Each scene begins with an overview or general view, then the view is reduced to closer angles of the actors and other action. During the most intense moments, very close-ups are included to emphasize the drama. When events accelerate, frame lengths should be shortened.
Trimming between shots is worthwhile when the actors are in motion. This allows you to hide any inconsistencies between shots.
The first test cut might take several months, and there could be several versions before you realize that what you have is exactly what you wanted.
At the final stage, with the editing done, you'll need to work with sound. Add sound effects and a musical score, for example.
What types of montage are there?
It is not enough to determine whether to do linear or non-linear editing. It is also important to decide what kind of editing you are going to use.
As for the types, video editing is divided into the following categories.
Continuous editing
This is sequential editing by recording a new fragment in continuation after the previous one. Thus, when the device picks up the timecode and control signal from the previous fragment, it erases all the information recorded earlier. It is usually used when using unencrypted tape on the recorder.
Insert-mode editing
This is a type of editing by writing a new slice to an existing program or pre-encoded tape, which does not erase the control signal.
Direct video editing
This is the type of editing in which the definition of the mounting points and the editing itself are done in the same format in which the footage was shot.
Why do I need video editing?
Video editing is a real boon if you know how to do it. It can dramatically improve the quality of some part of your video, or even the whole video.
We've prepared some other articles related to video editing for you. You can read them on our blog.
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