Oil Paint FX Photoshop Action Plugin
Brushes, Paletts

A Must Have! For Adobe Photoshop CC - Multilingual - Works with any Image
UXP Plugin included + jаvascript
A fantastic Plugin to create Painting effects on any image. This Tool is very simple to use and works with Photoshop CC (the most recent version) in any language for Mac and Pc . Open a Photo and run the Script to get a wide variety of Patterns and Colors to choose from. This is great if you want to make these effects but have no tools or experience, or just want to speed up your work!
Full Preview: https://www.behance.net/gallery/169528211/Oil-Paint-FX-Photoshop-Plugin
Video Demo/Tutorial https://youtu.be/eZ1Op4mACjc
Oil Paint FX.jsx (jаvascript Code)
UXP Plugin
3 High Resolution Editable Mock-ups
Detailed .pdf Guide
Video Tutorial
Works with Adobe Photoshop CC, in any Language
These ActionScript have been tested and work with Adobe Photoshop CC. This Plugin works with Texts, Paintings, Illustrations and Photos.
This effect works perfectly on any kind of Image. Oil Paint FX has been realized studying the most common patterns in traditional oil painting: the objective was to create a generic painted / oily effect without stressing too much any art movement. Additionally the user can reveal different Layers of paint, textures and details to create a unique artwork depending on the objective. The Plugin also produces large wide strokes that can add a level of abstraction to a realistic composition.
Clean, Smart ActionScript
The code is designed to work with any image, at any resolution and depth. The final result will be in RGB Mode 8-bit regardless of the starting format: remember you can switch back to your settings once the ActionScript have finished.
In case your starting photo is inferior to 2500 pixels it will be resized in order for the Filters and Scripts to work correctly and always give you a good result.
The Scripts will behave differently basing on your starting photo and Document ratio but the final results will be always consistent.
Very Easy to Install and Use
Just follow the provided instructions to unleash a powerful array of different artworks from your images.
Includes 3 High Quality Mockups
Along with Oil Paint FX, you also get 3 High Quality Mockups to create realistic texturing for your artworks! Surprise your customers and followers with high quality previews of your paintings, and resell whatever you create with Oil Paint FX and all the other Tools of our Library. Check Out all the previews. Very easy to Use and super realistic.
Looks Great on Every Image!
A Very Powerful New Tool in the Inventory
Grab now these Photoshop ActionScripts, they will become part of your daily workflow! If you like Photoshop and photo manipulation this is a Tool you must have. Create amazing artworks starting from these premade effects and add your touch with the included mock-ups.
Many thanks to M.Rezania for allowing the use of his photos
Many thanks to TheOrangeBox for the collaboration and integration of the plugin in Adobe Photoshop
Application Supported Adobe Photoshop
File Types ZXP, PSD, XMP
Addition Documentation Included
Documentation Included
Commercial LicenseFurther Information
Commercial License
Further Information